Tuesday, April 30, 2013

100 Blocks Blog Tour

Have you seen the block hop from Quiltmaker? They are giving away some awesome prizes and the preview of the blocks in the latest issue of 100 Blocks are absolutely yummy!

Check it out!

Happy Quilting

Monday, April 29, 2013

Another UFO!

I really like what I'm seeing around the blogaspere with the Scrappy Trips! I had started one a LONG time ago. I wasn't liking it that much, but now that I've taken a picture of it, it's not so bad.

 There are some REALLY ugly fabrics in there! This is almost as old as the quilt for DH so it's a pretty old UFO too.

 These are my test blocks for the next quilt I've started cutting. It's a tesselating T quilt for DD. She really likes the black background and has picked out teal, purple and peach for the T's. I better get DD's quilt done or I will NEVER hear the end of how everyone gets a quilt before him! ;o)

I don't usually like pictures of myself, but since this one has Princess in it, it's a keeper!

Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 26, 2013

UFO Parade Pictures

I took more photos today of some of my UFOs.


 Green String Quilt. I have the backing for this one with the quilt, now to just sandwich and quilt!

This is a Hexagon table runner that I made for my Mom. She is nuts for Christmas and really decorates. This will work great on her kitchen table but I haven't decided how to finish it off.

I made this specifically for hand quilting, which I love to do. I'm planning this as a wall hanging in my bedroom since it will co-ordinate with the double four patch. It's next on the hand quilting list once I finish this one:

I used Bonnie Hunters 'Free Hand Fans' directions from the quiltville.com website. It is very relaxing for me to hand quilt. Bonnie does big quilts, but I'm not that brave yet! :o)

Happy Quilting everyone!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I meant to say this in my last post but completely forgot. Please don't think I'm rude if you have commented on any of my recent posts! DH says that I am 'technology challenged' and the fact that I can't get Blogger to allow me to Reply to comments kinda proves him right! :o)

So, to those that have left comments, I have read and enjoyed each and every one and I promise I'm not being rude by not replying!

Happy quilting everyone!!

UFO Parade addition

 I really need to take more pictures of my quilts as I'm making them. I'm taking pictures of my UFOs and I can't believe how much that would help in layouts!

While going through just the ones that I have laying around, I found one that I forgot to add to the list.

 This quilt was made for a co-worker expecting her first child. It is the closest one to being finished since it is mostly quilted, I just have to figure out how to quilt around the name and in the pink border. I just outline quilted around each 'Maverick Star' and in the ditch on the little brown border since I wanted it to stay soft. I struggle with meandering so I don't want to do that around the name but I really don't know what else to do. I've pretty much just done straight line quilting on any quilts I've done previously - which isn't very many. I think I've done one quilt and one table runner. Any other quilt I've made has been donated so I didn't quilt them.

I like to use flannel for the backs on baby quilts and this one was so perfect for the pink and brown top! It's not a good picture, but they are baby bunnies and the word, cutie on it.

Did I mention that the baby will have her first birthday in June???? lol


This is a red/cream double 4 patch that I'm making for my bed. I have all the blocks made, I just need to get it together.

This one I made for DH for our anniversery - 10 years ago!!He had a quilt that was made for him by his 'Granny' and the thing just disintegrated! It was made with double knits and the filler was an old blaneket. He loved that thing and I just couldn't save it. We used to just throw it in the washer and dryer - I loved quilts but didn't know very much about caring for them at the time. So I thought I was doing so good making this as a replacement. It is my oldest UFO and DH never misses the opportunity to remind me of that fact! :o) This one points out to me the need to take pictures as I go because I would have spread out the colors more. 

I arrived at work yesterday and saw this in the parking lot! For just a moment I thought I had been transported to Texas - we live in Indiana. :o)

I can't leave out our Princess! Doesn't she look like she's thinking, "Nanna, would you quit with the camera already?!"
Happy quilting!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

UFO parade

I'm slowely taking pictures of my UFO parade. I'm not always good about taking pictures, but the more I do, the more I think they help me see the big picture of my quilts.

This is my blue and yellow Pineapple Blossom, from Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville site. I'm not wild about it - I think it's my piecing skills that are making me not love it. I love the pattern, and I have two more that I'd like to make but I think I need more practice first. :) I've seen a black and white with an aqua/teal background on Pinterest that my DD would LOVE and my mom would love a purple and blue one.

I've only completed 3 blocks and a 4th is almost done. I may turn this one into a table topper because I'm anxious to work on something else, and the blocks are coming out unintentionally 'wonky'.

At the risk of being an obnoxious Grandma, here is my newest photo of our princess. My FIL is holding her. He is 85 years young today!

Happy quilting people!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

UFO list, 2013 version

Judy at Patchworktimes.com has encouraged us to list our UFO's. My list is pretty much the same as the LAST time I listed them, but maybe listing them here will give me a much needed kick in the pants to get some DONE.

1. Red & Blue one patch - top done
2. Green Stings - top done
3. Hexagon Runner - piecing done
4. Scrappy trips - blocks done
5. Strings - blocks done
6. Frogs - blocks done
7. Kids - blocks done
8. Hop scotch - some blocks done
9. Future's so bright - some blocks done
10. Bricks & stepping stones - some blocks done
11. 4 patch furrow - some blocks done
12. 9 patch scrappy - some blocks done
13. Scrappy Irish chain - some blocks done
14. Plaid strings - some blocks done
15. Blue/Green spiderweb - some done
16. Baby stars - some done
17. Blue/yellow pineapple - some done

Looking at this list, I think I need to work on finishing some tops! Wish me luck. :)

Happy quilting

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Finally got the picture to transfer! Here is the 'Little Monkey' quilt made for our little Princess.

This is before it was quilt and bound. It came out much bigger than I was expecting, but I think that's good so she'll be able to use it longer. I hope she loves it!

Happy quilting!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Such Changes!

Life has cetainly taken many turns since I last posted. The main change is the birth of my first grandbaby!
Isn't she sweet? She is a whole 2 months old in a few days. I love her to death!! There hasn't been a lot of quilting going on since she arrived on scene, but I did make her a quilt. I have pictures, but can't get them to download right now. *sigh* I made Bonnie Hunter's "Little Monkey" pattern from her website in purple and green  - those are the colors the new mommy wanted.  It's cute and I'll post pictures as soon as I figure this stuff out.
Have a great day people, and happy quilting!!